Morrison's #SilverSqueeze (2021)

There are two #SilverSqueeze(s), one an organic movement that was formed to squeeze the physical silver market, and the other which was a scheme to take advantage of a small but growing silver enthusiasm within the Wall Street Bets community on Reddit by FinTwitt onlookers. Morrison's involvement in #SilverSqueeze is the latter.

A comment that Morrison made while still moderator of Wall Street Silver, summarizes from his perspective the origins of #SilverSqueeze:

Morrison begins this comment addressing a person named The Happy Hawaiian. Happy was instrumental in the creation of the organic #SilverSqueeze movement with his Due Diligent posts that inspired to change the overall direction of the movement away from the schemes that did not serve its purpose, such as efforts by Morrison to enrich himself, towards the more effective squeezing of physical silver.

From now deleted Reddit comments, Morrison further explains from his perspective what occurred to create #SilverSqueeze and then admits the Redditt movement's shift to physical silver.

We used Morrison's comments as a guide to research exactly what occurred. The following is what we found leading up to the creation of Wall Street Silver Reddit Community and how Morrison became connected.

*We are excluding the contributions of Happy Hawaiian to keep the focus here on Morrison/Gold Ventures.

January 27, 2021:

A random user named jjalaj30 posts on Wall Street Bets a post that would soon go viral. This user credits the idea to squeeze $SLV to GV or Gold Ventures.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, @TheLastDegree aka Gold Ventures encourages his following engage and vote up the post.

*Galactic_Trader was Morrison's personal Twitter account.

January 28, 2021:

Morrison copies the format of the viral post made by jjalaj30 from the day before, and posts at the exact same time of 11:41AM, which seems oddly specific.

Within the first couple minutes of Morrison posting as RocketBoomGo on Wall Street Bets, Gold Ventures on Twitter starts to promote Morrison's post to his following

Morrison also encourages his following on Twitter to engage with the Reddit post and believed his efforts effected the price of Silver this day.

Later in the day, Gold Ventures posts an update to the "plan" encouraging people to buy ETFs and silver miners (stocks).

January 29, 2021:

Gold Ventures publishes "The Silver Short Squeeze Sitfolio" on his website:

The linked "watch here" leads the user to a Patrick Karim video on YouTube.
*Patrick would later become a moderator of Wall Street Silver Reddit.

In the video description, Gold Venture's website is credited:

Later in the day, Ivan Bayoukhi announces on Reddit that his community "WallStreetBetsSilver" got banned by Reddit and needed help to build up karma on his new account to create a new community. This new community he created would become Wall Street Silver.

January 30, 2021:

Early AM, Ivan makes the first post on Wall Street Silver, which looks to be a copy of Morrison's and the anonymous user from the day prior's post on Wall Street Bets. He credits Gold Ventures. Seemingly odd is the verbiage "Hi master!!" used by Ivan.

On Twitter, Morrison gloats about his involvement in starting #SilverSqueeze with Gold Ventures (aka TheLastDegree). What is also of interest is Morrison admission that #SilverSqueeze was about physical silver at this point.

Gold Ventures updates his website with a new article entitled "Why #SilverSqueeze?", in which he lays out his public admissions for why he started #SilverSqueeze.

  • "my favourites here" – links to the previously mentioned "Silver Sitfolio" above.
"This is the beauty of the silversqueeze. its an 18 month ride. it's impossible to regulate."

January 31, 2021:

Morrison and others would get banned from Wall Street Bets because of growing community concerns that the #SilverSqueeze was a distraction away from their GME Squeeze. This led to Gold Ventures making an open public request for the founders of Wall Street Silver to contact him because he and Morrison wanted to be moderators of the community.

Ivan would invite Morrison this same day to become a moderator of Wall Street Silver.

This same day, Gold Ventures announces on Twitter that Morrison joined his "team".

February 1, 2021:

Interesting to note is the next day, February 1st is when Main Stream Media started to talk about the #SilverSqueeze. Morrison was quoted both in print and on live tv.



The relationship between Gold Ventures and Morrison continued on to at least 2022. We were able to source these Tweets of interest where Morrison and Gold Ventures publicly admit spending time with each other. Gold Ventures disturbingly refers to Morrison has his "partner in crime".