Child/Spouse Abuse? (2020)

These documents are public domain.

It can be sourced from Orange County Clerk's Office Website:


Affidavit for Arrest Warrant:

On April 2, bail was set to $5,000.

April 3, 2020, Morrison pleads not guilty.

April 6, 2020, Morrison's personal attorney, R. Gregory Colvin, takes on the case.

This same day he files multiple e-filings.

Plea of Not Guilty with a Waiver of Arraignment is filed.

With a Notice of Discovery and Motion for Statement of Particulars:

And Affidavits from his wife Agnieszka and at the time underage son who was the subject victim of the case. These affidavits contradict the facts of the son's original under oath sworn and recorded testimony taken by Detective Delgado.


Son's Affidavit:

On May 12, 2020, the State of Florida would decide the case was not suitable for prosecution and drop.

May 23, 2020, Morrison posting as @Galactic_Trader on Twitter comments that "I am buying my 17 year old son a used car right now. I was thinking because I would aim for 2017. Now I am thinking 2020 Hertz used car for him."

*Morrison admitted to using @Galactic_Trader in court between inception of the account to sometime in 2023 when he changed the account's name.

Did Morrison bribe or coerce his son to perjury his original testimony?